Exercises to increase power

Physical activity is useful not only for increasing muscle tone and increasing their mass, but also contributes to the healing of the whole organism. However, how exercises to improve power work, if it is not a complex for the intimate muscles, and why they are also important for libido, few men are aware of.Experts, on the other hand, consider a special daily exercise to be an important moment in the fight against the loss of male power.Why is it needed, does it replace drugs and how is it performed?

What are the benefits of exercising to increase power

Doctors believe that starting daily workouts that boost power is necessary not only for older men who experience a natural decline in sexual function. Such actions are also recommended for people under the age of 30 - this will not only improve erection and increase libido, but will also be an excellent prevention of impotence in the future. Some positive key points of the home method of increasing erection with gymnastics:

  • Exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvis, saving a man from blood stasis, the risk of which is particularly high in the presence of sedentary work or a sedentary lifestyle.
  • From regular training, the body gains tone, which has a positive effect on a man's ability to enjoy prolonged sexual intercourse.
  • Exercise to increase potency is reflected in the level of testosterone, the main male hormone. It grows and then there is an improvement in erectile function.
  • Special sets of exercises compiled by doctors help strengthen the muscles of the perineum, learn to control their work, which also has a good effect on erection and prevents premature ejaculation.

Method of execution

The impact on potency does not imply the instant acquisition of an ideal shape,therefore, the execution of this type of exercise should not be accompanied by pain or other manifestations of discomfort. This is especially true for men with diseases of the genitourinary system. According to the implementation methodology, experts give several suggestions:

  • Increase the number of repetitions smoothly: In the initial stage, take 3-5, then increase to 15-20.
  • Avoid sudden movements during the session.
  • The duration of the training is set individually, but cannot be less than 10 minutes.
  • Complexes of exercises to improve power can be alternated in order not to get tired of monotony, but it is necessary to train all the muscles in one day.

Regularity of training

Exercises to improve power are not loaded with power, they do not exhaust. For this reason, their implementation is also suitable for completely inexperienced and elderly men on an ongoing basis. Experts insist on regular training, preferably in the morning, and this should become a habit - they don't spend a week or a month on classes - they become the same norm as morning exercises.You spend the first few days once a day and after a month you can practice them morning and evening.The first results of such attempts to strengthen potency will be in a month.

Morning exercises aimed at restoring sexual functions in a man

morning exercises

To improve men's health, experts recommend dividing all exercises that help to increase power into 2 groups: the first is the heating elements that are performed in the morning. The other consists of more complex exercises aimed at restoring sexual functions. In the morning, do the following every day:

  • Lying on your back, raise your right leg so that the straight toe faces the ceiling. Write circles with your foot clockwise for 15 seconds and vice versa for the same amount. Repeat 5 times for each leg.
  • Tighten the stomach and perineal muscles in a standing position. Maintaining this sensation, march for a minute, lifting your knees to hip height.
  • Lying on your back, stand on the deck. Take your legs off the floor one at a time for exactly one minute, without losing your balance.

What exercises increase power

All physical activities shown in cases of erectile dysfunction require mandatory acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs.Some experts advise, in addition to the home complex, to improve power, add loads to the muscles of the back (mainly in the lower back) and the abdominal region.Useful for libido and male erection are:

  • squat;
  • lunges;
  • exercises that simulate cycling;
  • stretching of the inguinal muscles.


Improving the erection always requires the acceleration of blood circulation in the lower abdomen, thereforeSquats are the main exercises for male potency, if you don't consider the Kegel complex. Combining squats with pelvic movements helps make them more effective by engaging the muscles of the perineum.. The algorithm is this:

  1. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes forward.
  2. Slowly bend your knees, lowering them to their level.
  3. With an exhalation, swing your pelvis forward, inhaling - back. Repeat 5 times, increase.

Pelvic rotation

Experts recommend starting power exercises at home with a simple warm-up of the pelvic muscles and deep abdominal muscles. Simple hip rotations stimulate blood circulation, help stretch ligaments, strengthen core muscles.that men often forget to train. Spreading the legs shoulder-width apart, it is necessary to rotate the pelvis, first clockwise for a minute, then against. Try to keep your upper body still and soften your knees. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.

Pull-up on all fours

It is difficult to return full power without training the muscles of the lower abdomen. To do this, doctors suggest trying gymnastic exercise, which has a good effect on blood circulation in the spinal cord and deep abdominal muscles and helps in the production of sex hormones. It takes 2-3 minutes to complete the following steps. The principle of operation is simple:

  1. Put the emphasis on the knees and palms - the latter are below the shoulders, and the emphasis of the legs should be under the pelvis.
  2. Tighten the stomach, keep the spine in a straight position.
  3. As you inhale, pull your knee to your chest without losing your balance.
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting position, perform similar actions on the second leg.
Performing an exercise to improve the health of men with erectile dysfunction

It tilts to the ground

Tilts do not have a direct effect on blood circulation in the pelvis, however they help improve conductivity in the spinal cord, help maintain normal power, and warm the back muscles. They start practicing inclinations with 20 repetitions at a slow pace, carefully observing the spine, and every 3 days they add 5 repetitions. You need to achieve 50 repetitions without interruption. This exercise can be included in the morning exercise block. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Spread your legs so that there are 2 foot lengths between them.
  2. Put your hands on your waist, or open and hold parallel to the floor (this will increase the load on your back).
  3. Keeping a straight spine (it is especially important not to perform a lumbar arch), make quick downward turns as low as possible.

Raising your legs behind your head, lying on your back

With constant tension of the lower back muscles in the male body, the conduction of the spinal cord is disturbed, innervation of the pelvic organs is observed, and relaxation and stretching are required to restore the correct state. A simple exercise to improve potency has a positive effect in this matter:

  1. Lie on your back, arms along your body.
  2. Start lifting both legs at the same time, trying to straighten them behind your head.
  3. Feeling a stretch in your lower back, lie down for 30 seconds in this "push-up" position. Repeat 3 times.

Pleated squats

Classical choreography is not only useful for women: men who want to have a normal sex life must also master some elements of the basic block. The main one is the plie: squatting, during which the muscles of the anus and the entire pelvic floor, the abdominal region and the spine are strained. It is performed slowly, breathing is uniform. The initial phase is 4 repetitions, the final one is 20. The exercise technique to improve power is as follows:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, rotate your feet as far away from your hips as possible.
  2. Slowly, counting to 8, lower yourself, creating a parallel thighs with the floor. Knees out, back straight, stomach tight.
  3. With the same account go back.
Plie squats will help to effectively increase a man's power


An excellent strength exercise to improve power can be found in stretching complexes. It is performed after warming up, as cold ligaments can be damaged by such actions. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes. Repeat intermittently 3 times. Work algorithm:

  1. Sit on your buttocks, put your feet together. Knees bent to the sides.
  2. Pull your heels towards the groin.
  3. Exhale, press your hands to your knees, trying to lower them to the floor. Wait 30 seconds.
  4. As you inhale, try to bring your knees together, preventing pressure from your hands.

A set of home exercises for men

Most of the above options for physical activity help a man improve the whole body, relieve tension, but do not affect the intimate muscles that play an important role in strengthening an erection. HereSpecialized exercises are needed to improve power, affecting the perineal area and above all training the muscles of the anus well.

Exercises to pump the PC muscle

A good effect on erectile function is exerted by loads for a stretched muscle from the sacrum to the pubic bone. It is called the PC muscle and is not developed in most men, which is the cause of weak erections, especially in those over the age of 40.It will help strengthen the daily performance of simple exercises:

  • Sitting in a chair, relax your upper body muscles, but keep your back straight. Tilt your head, close your eyes. Tighten only the PC muscle when inhaling. Relax as you exhale. Repeat 10 times.
  • A complication of the previous exercise: in the same position, it is necessary to strain and relax the PC muscle at the same time with a series of rapid inhalations and exhalations, without stopping for a minute.
  • Lie on your back, legs slightly apart, raise your pelvis. Start tensing your glutes and PC muscle without holding your breath. Relax after 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises that are performed naked

If a man suffers from diseases of the genitourinary system, he suffers from a sudden weakening of the erection during intercourse and for this reason he cannot enjoy regular sexual intercourse.doctors recommend combining pharmacological methods for increasing power with special gymnastics. It is based on strengthening the intimate muscles and is actively used to treat the prostate gland, bladder disorders, etc.An effective small complex that conducts active massage on the genitourinary system:

  • Squat with your legs shoulder-width apart, leveling the line of the bent knees and hips. Try to lift your testicles and penis while tensing your glutes and press. Take 10 regular breaths and exhale and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Spread your legs wider than your hips. Put your hands on soft knees, move your body forward. As you exhale, release the air from the abdomen, tighten the press. Try to gather the muscles of the anus inside (do not touch the buttocks). Relax after 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times.
The man experienced a sudden weakening of the erection during intercourse

Yoga classes

The body and mind system is no less effective than more complex exercises when it comes to improving power.In yoga, the swastika requires attention: it helps to restore power due to the blood filling of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, improving the balance of the nervous system.It is of particular importance for patients with prostate adenoma. Principle of execution:

  1. Sitting on the mat, bend the left leg towards you, opening the thigh and placing the heel against the groin closest to the right thigh.
  2. Do the same for the other leg. The left heel should be under the right.
  3. Stretch your back, lower the back of your hands to the knees, thumbs and middle fingers are connected.

In this asana, people suffering from a decrease in power should stay for 2-3 minutes, trying to relax the upper body and breathe evenly. It is important not to feel uncomfortable. A similar rule applies to sarvangasana. Tones the pelvic floor muscles, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. It goes like this:

  1. From a supine position, raise your pelvis, then lift your legs off the floor.
  2. Stretch out, keeping the emphasis only on the shoulder blades and elbows.
  3. Make sure your elbows are under your back, you can support your lower back with your palms. The legs do not spread out.
  4. Hold the grill for 10 seconds to 3 minutes.